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Students from all over the world who are enrolled in a course at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia - just talking!

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Thursday, November 28, 2002  
Hi everyone!

I'm hoping that I will get this message posted before you all get online in class. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come back on Friday (today!) - but I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday. I'm so glad that you posted a message, Papaito - I didn't want to be talking to myself!
from Jane.

11/28/2002 11:25:00 PM

Sunday, November 24, 2002  
Hi everyone!

I am now at home (although a nurse still comes to see me every day) and I am feeling much better. I am glad that the message that I posted from my friends' house published successfully! They have a quite different internet systen - and I really thought that I had lost the message!

Lubov, I love your puzzle - I promise to give a prize to the winner when I come back. You must all have a go!

I was very touched by all your messages, and I'm glad you're having a good time with Robert - and with Barbara, Sharon and Meaghan. They are all excellent teachers, so really you are very lucky! I'd love to hear what you are doing, what you are reading, and what you are thinking of doing next year. I am going to see the specialist doctor tomorrow - and then I will know when I can come back to RMIT. I am really looking forward to leading a normal life again!
From Jane

11/24/2002 11:51:00 AM

Tuesday, November 19, 2002  
Hi everyone!

I am out of hospital - at last - and I am staying with some friends for a few days, until I get used to life again!
Being in hospital was AWFUL - but I won't put any of you off (do you know that bit of slang?) I will just say that I didn't know anything about the operation itself, because I was unconscious, but the days of recovery were worse than I could ever have imagined!
It was still so great to get online and hear you all supporting one another. Congratulations, Ivy!! It is great that you have got an interview - I am so pleased for you! I'll be wishing you all the very best of luck, and thinking of you on the day. I think the rest of you should be so proud of the fact that Ivy wants to chat to you all, too - you have all, each one of you in the group, made this site what it is - and maybe we could keep it open for as long as you want- so that you can always stay in touch with each other.

Lubov, I am looking at your letter now, and realizing that you have mentioned everyone with such care and interest. I really appreciate your proverb, and it is the same in English, too. We say: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
I realize how much I miss you all! I am picturing Nenad with his trigger hose and his gum tree(!) Karim and his very thoughtful reflections on Iraq; Abdi's wonderful smile - and what is this narrative, Abdi? I can picture Boris, who always says something which is unexpected - and very true. I had not thought, Borislav, that maybe you had translated the peom yourself. Did you? It is a very simple, but incredibly sad poem. I am going to print it out and keep it.
Amid, how is Irfaan? I hope he is growing into a happy, healthy baby. Tell us about him!
Papaito, it was good to hear from you - even if only briefly - and I agree with your advice and encouragement to Ivy!
It is now very late for me - so I'm going to go to bed so that I can back to RMIT soon. In the meantime, I have a lot of work to do - so I shan't be bored!

I look forward to all your news!
from Jane.

11/19/2002 08:34:00 PM

Sunday, November 10, 2002  
Hello everyone - but Ivy especially! I was very touched by your reply to Amid - and I think you are quite right: a mother needs caring for most of all to enable her to care for her baby. I'm sure that Amid will be the most caring husband, as well as being such a proud father!
But I was just as touched, Ivy, by your reference to your feeling that you have not got enough English. I'm sure that everyone would agree with me if I say that I can always understand what you mean. But, I also know that feeling of not daring to speak - it certainly happened to me in Denmark. I had to go to a party held by my (ex) husband's boss. Everyone else there spoke fluent Danish - but I was silent. Of course, I couldn't even find the words to wish people a "Happy Christmas!" It was as if my Danish words just disappeared! Does anyone else have any particular examples of situations where they have found it difficult to speak?
Boris, you have definitely won Borislav's competition! Well done! (What's the prize, Borislav?) And you added a different perspective to the Cup for us, Boris - I don't think that we could compete with the kazaks.
Tomorrow, it is my grandson's "Naming Day" - so I have written something for him, using the letters in his name as the first letters in each line. I think you should do the same for Irfaan, Amid. Maybe we can all do it as a group present!
from Jane

11/10/2002 02:53:00 AM

Thursday, November 07, 2002  
Here's the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/email/news
Have fun!

11/07/2002 11:37:00 PM

Hi everyone!
It was so good to see you all again on Wednesday - I really missed you!
Ivy, it is great to hear from you - and I am just wondering if you won anything at the Cup. I think we all deserve a morning tea...........!
Karim, it is very interesting when you tell us the news from Qatar. Like you, I hope that there will not be any more war iin Iraq. Borislav, I don't think you should have given away all the answers so quickly! Come on now, all of you - who can do Borislav's latest quiz?
Do any of you, apart from Karim, keep in touch with the news from your own countries? I get the BBC news by email every day - it's a free service, and you can just ask for the places you are interested in hearing about. You get just a brief (one sentence) outline of the news items for that country, and then a link - so that you can follow the whole story. I find that it is a good way to keep up with the news in Europe - which I don't hear much about in Australia! I'll find the internet address and make a "link"for you.
From Jane.

11/07/2002 11:29:00 PM

Sunday, November 03, 2002  
Hi everyone!

Here is a "smile" for you, Lubov!

I really missed you all last week. I hope you had a good time with Renee - I know that she enjoyed being with you. I think that "The Monkey's Paw" is an excellent story, and I remember that when I was at school (all those years ago!) that my English teacher said that it was the best short story in the English language. I think that, since then, some other great stories have been written - but it is still a great one. It has suspense, it creates a very "spooky" atmosphere, and it is a story which makes you think. Maybe, after reading it, more people think about what the really important things in life may be. I'm sure you all discussed that with Renee.

I so enjoy getting online and reading all your comments. Ivy, maybe everyone can visit Federation Square - you wrote about the "Welfare" painting so clearly, and your feelings are so strong. It is just like so many of the things we discussed when we were writing about "The Tracker," isn't it?
And I liked your vocabulary competition, Borislav! Maybe you can all do a copy and paste onto a Word document and see who gets them all right. OR, how about this: first one to get all the correct answers on the blogsite wins a prize!
You will have to hurry to beat Papaito - but, Papaito, we have not heard much from you recently. I really miss your comments!

I'm looking forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday - and I hope that, in the meantime, you have had a good holiday. I wonder if any of you will have won something in the Melbourne Cup! If you do, we'll have a special morning tea - or a BBQ!
from Jane.

11/03/2002 07:06:00 PM

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